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- Bentley, Stacey
Serendipity Page 8
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Page 8
My eyes widen when I glance down, he’s only wearing a pair of boxer briefs that hug his hips, thighs and his... my jaw drops when I notice the impressive bulge in his pants. Before I can blink, he cups my face with both hands, tips my face up and crushes his lips to mine. I try to push him away but I don’t want to be too loud in case I wake the Montgomery’s. He turns me so that my back is pressed against the wall, thrusting his hips into me, his now full erection bumps into my stomach and a hunger grows in me like never before.
He lifts me and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist while griping onto his shoulders. I drop the vibrator and hear the buzzing when it hits the ground but ignore it. He reaches down and lifts my gown forcefully. Kissing along my jaw and down my neck, he lets out a throaty groan and pulls the top of my gown down, freeing my breasts and wasting no time pulling my erect nipple into his mouth. A moan escapes my lips and he stops to look at me. Just when I think he’s going to stop all together and set me down, he surprises me by giving the same attention to my other nipple.
He pulls down his boxers and rubs himself against my wet panties. The thin, lace fabric is the only barrier between us but it doesn’t stop him. He thrusts his hips and it doesn’t take me long to feel the familiar building sensation. He covers my mouth with his to quiet my moans and I let my climax run free. It feels like it lasts minutes but in reality I know it is only seconds. He lets me ride it out and when I start to come down, he slides me down his body until my feet rest on the hardwood floor.
I look down at his swollen erection and I go to grab it but he stops me. “Don’t,” is all he says before turning and walking back downstairs.
What the fuck just happened? Am I dreaming right now?
I pick up the vibrator and shut it off. I stand outside the bathroom door and wait to see if I hear anything coming from Emily and Keith’s room. I would die of embarrassment if I had woken them up. I know I wasn’t that loud, but this is a small hallway with the two bedrooms and a bathroom.
Flipping on the light in the bathroom, I quickly clean myself and head back to bed. Completely sated, I lie down and drift off to sleep.
I wake up to pounding headache. The events from last night are vague at best. I remember going to Devon’s, having great sex and then heading to O’Malley’s to meet up with my buddies, Jake and Austin. I don’t even remember driving home or getting into the house.
“Dean, wake up!” My dad opens the door and shouts into the den.
“I’m up,” I mumble.
He opens the door all the way and I look over to see my mom standing behind him, her hands on her hips.
I just can’t win.
“It don’t look it to me. Get your lazy ass up, boy.” He says in his deep southern drawl.
I toss back the blanket and sit on the edge of the couch, rubbing the back of my neck. He closes the door when he sees me finally moving. I dig through my pile of clothes and pull on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
I meet them in the kitchen and their eyes are glued to me. I pour a cup of coffee and slip on my boots before heading outside without a word.
I know I fucked up. I haven’t had a drink in months and even then, I’d only had a few beers… I think. I slept well past my alarm but I was having the best dream. I get to work quickly, praying that I’ll sober up as the day progresses.
I peel my shirt off when the morning sun rises and the heat beats down on my back. I skip breakfast, only going into the house to refill my coffee. I avoid my parents at all costs.
Sweeping the stable, I glance up when I see the door open and light filters in. Barbie steps in, carrying a plate in her hand and glances around. When she spots me, she sways her hips as she walks towards me, and a smile tugs at her lips.
Leaning the broom against the wooden post, I walk towards her. “Hey,” she says, seductively.
I furrow my brow. “Hi,” I say, confused as to why she’s acting this way towards me. I haven’t seen her since yesterday when she was getting out of the truck—all smiles, with an ice cream in her hand.
“Um, your parents said that you didn’t look too well this morning and that you skipped breakfast, so I thought I’d bring you lunch since it looks like you’re working hard.”
I take the plate from her and sit down on a bale of hay. I take a bite and stare up at her, wondering why she hasn’t left yet. “Thank you,” I mumble through a mouthful of food.
“You’re welcome,” she smiles back. Just standing there, she glances around. When she sees Bo stands and cranes his neck out of his stall she walks over to him and strokes his brisk hair.
“That’s Bo,” I point to him.
“Aww. Hi, Bo. I’m Phoebe,” she introduces herself.
I eat my sandwich in record time and wash it down with a thermos of ice water. I walk over to her and Bo and watch as she’s mesmerized by my friend.
“Can I ride him?” She asks, not taking her eyes off of him.
“I don’t know if you know this or not but you’re kind of injured. I’m pretty sure my parents would have my ass if I put you on a horse, especially Bo here.”
“Well, maybe when I get better then?”
What? I thought she was leaving in six days? I’m completely confused but I just go with it.
“Sure, anytime,” I shrug.
“You were a little rough last night. Are you feeling better?” She looks up at me and the tidal wave pulls me in. I’m drowning in her eyes.
“W—what are you talking about?” I stutter.
“Last night. You came home and you were pretty trashed. I helped you get into bed and then…”
I hold up my hand and stop her before she can finish. “What do you mean you helped me into bed? I didn’t see you last night. At least, not that I recall.”
Her face falls and her eyes widen but I’m still at a loss. Okay so she helped me into bed. Did I not say thank you?
“You don’t remember last night.” She’s not asking a question.
When I shake my head no she turns to leave without a word. Okay, that was weird.
“See, Bo, women are strange creatures.” I tell him. He moves his head up and down as if agreeing with me.
I actually finish work before the sun sets, so I grab the keys from the garage and pull out a four-wheeler. I hop on and drive through the fields. I stop by when I’m out in the area where I brought Barbie yesterday. I kill the motor and just stare off into the open land. It’s so freeing being out here. Nobody around for miles—just me and Mother Nature.
I thought things had changed between us but I guess I was wrong. It doesn’t matter though because in six days I’ll be gone and I’ll never have to see him again. I was willing to toss out my rules for him but he doesn’t deserve that. After he admits that he has no recollection of our encounter last night, I run into the house and up the stairs. I lie on the bed and will my tears to stay at bay. I will not cry, I will not cry. I chant over and over.
Emily walks in with my bottle of pills and a glass of water. “Did you want a pain pill, Phoebe?” she asks.
Yes! A pain pill to make the pain in my heart go away. “Yes, please,” I sit up in the bed and lean back against the wooden headboard. She hands me a small white pill and a glass of water.
“How’s your hand feeling?” she asks, examining the brace.
I shrug. “It’s fine I guess.” I hand her back the glass and lie down. I catch her as she’s about to leave the room. “Do you think that if I’m feeling better tomorrow we can make the insurance calls and you can help me look for a place?”
A smile spreads across her face. “Of course, sweet girl.”
I return her smile and close my eyes and drift off to sleep. I wake with tears streaming down my face and my chest heaving. I sit up and catch my breath, and notice that the room is dark. I look out the window when I hear the slamming of a car door and voices below.
Two men get out of a sleek, black sports car and greet Dean. Carrying cases of beer, they walk towards the b
arn. I watch until I lose sight of them walking to the open field.
I head downstairs into the kitchen, I’m greeted by Emily and Keith sitting at the table. They both smile when they see me but their smile quickly fades.
“What’s wrong?” I tilt my head and ask. Pulling out a chair, I sit down next to Emily and prop my elbows on the table.
“Phoebe, is everything all right?” She places her hand on mine. Keith’s lips are pressed in a hard line and he doesn’t look happy.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
“For starters, your eyes are puffy and you have mascara running down your cheeks,” Emily says, concern fills her tone.
Shit! I forgot about the dream and I didn’t even clean myself up. These people must think I’m nuts for walking around looking like this. I rush to the sink and wash my face to remove the black, dried makeup that stains my face and run my fingers through my hair to tame any fly-aways.
“Sorry, I had a dream about my dad and woke up crying. I haven’t had a dream about him in years.” I sit back down and watch as their expressions change from concerned to sorrow.
Emily gets up and pulls a plate out of the microwave and sets it down in front of me. Steam rises from the food and fills my nose. As if on cue, my stomach growls loud enough to wake anyone within a mile radius. We share a laugh, and I dig into the pot roast and potatoes.
I feel like I’m on display at a zoo. Both sets of eyes are fixed on me while I eat. Emily breaks the silence. “Do you want to talk about it?” Emily asks.
I shake my head. “No, I’ll be fine.” And I will be.
“Okay, well after you eat, why don’t we get you cleaned up?” She offers.
“Sounds good,” I finish cleaning my plate and lounge back in the seat. Keith has a pleased smile on his face and Emily takes my dish to the sink.
I’m about to stand when the door opens and laughter fills the room. The boys stop in their tracks when they see the three of us glaring at them.
“Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery,” the tall one says.
Keith stays quiet and glares at Dean. Did I miss something? He doesn’t look too pleased with his son, and it looks like the feeling is mutual.
“Hi, Austin. Jake,” Emily says, greeting the boys with a hug.
All eyes focus on me and nobody says anything for a minute. Suddenly, I feel self-conscious, and run my hand through my hair and across my face in case there is something stuck to it. I’m surprised when Dean breaks the silence. “Guys, this is Bar—Phoebe,” he catches himself before calling me that stupid name.
The boys say nothing until Dean hits the tall one in the arm. “Hi, Phoebe,” he says and takes a step forward to shake my hand. “I’m Jake,” he offers.
I shake his hand and notice the other one following suit. His icy blue eyes hypnotize me and for a second I’m lost. “Hi, I’m Austin,” he says in a deep southern drawl.
“Hi,” is all I manage to say because my mouth instantly goes dry.
Jake is good looking in his own right. He’s shorter than Dean and Austin, and I can see blonde hair peeking out from under his brown cowboy hat. But Austin? Phew, I think I need a cool shower to soothe my scorching body. He’s not wearing a hat, and his black hair is cut short—resembling a buzz cut. The glare of his piercing blue eyes, burn into my soul.
“Okay, let me just grab something and then we can go?” Dean says, only looking at me.
When he leaves the room, Emily and Keith talk to the boys. I sit there just listening to their conversation, and stealing glances at Austin.
A throat clears behind me, and I look over my shoulder to see Dean looking around the room. “Ready?” He catches the boys’ attention.
They nod, say their goodbyes and walk out the door.
Emily wipes her hands on her apron. “You ready for that shower now?” She places her hand on my shoulder.
I nod. Getting up from the table, I push in my chair and follow Emily upstairs.
What in the hell is happening to me? I’ve never been like that around guys, let alone the way I feel about Dean. Plus, the dreams. This is all new to me and I’m feeling as if I’m having an out-of-body experience.
After I shower, Emily helps with placing dry gauze over the stitches. I get into my pajamas and slip into bed. I make a mental note of all the things that have to be accomplished this week—starting tomorrow!
Walking out to the field to the fire pit, we wheel out a cooler full of beer, in addition to the open ones we each have in our hands.
“So, that’s Barbie, huh?” Austin asks.
I load some wood into the pit and tilt the can of fire starter until the can is empty. I answer without looking up. “Yeah, that’s her.”
“Damn, Dean, she’s fucking hot,” Jake replies.
I toss the can aside and light a few matches and throw them into the pit. The fire catches immediately, and the flames lick the cool night air.
“Yeah, I guess she is. Once you talk to her though, that all changes. She looks like an angel but don’t let her looks deceive you, she’s really an evil bitch.” I sit on the log bench and sip on my beer.
After last night, the last thing I wanted to do was drink again but this time with them is long overdue.
“Looks like she’s an all-round angel to me,” Austin offers.
I growl at his comment. I saw how they looked at each other. In school, Austin was the playboy—hell who am I kidding, he still is. All he has to do is look at a girl and she’ll drop her panties.
We were dubbed the Three Musketeers years ago and it has stuck with us to this day. Both guys went away to college but returned right after they graduated. Austin works at a large bank in Nashville, and Jake is the P.E. teacher at our old high school.
“Like I said, man, looks can be deceiving,” I say to Austin but it’s really for them both.
“She off limits then?” Jake asks.
Hell yes she’s off limits. Barbie is mine!
“Nah, man, you guys can go after her all you want. Sure, she’s probably the hottest damn woman I’ve ever seen but I wouldn’t touch her if she was the last woman on earth.” I toss the empty beer can into the small pile that will soon become a mountain of cans.
“Montgomery, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a thing for Angel?” Austin says.
I snort—not a chance on God’s green earth. “You’re sadly mistaken, Austin. And what’s this shit about calling her Angel? It’s Barbie, get it straight,” I try to hide my frustration and pop the top off another can.
“Man, you need to ease up. I heard you almost call her Barbie in the house and she didn’t look too happy. Has she heard you call her that before?” Jake asks.
I ignore him and get up to toss more logs into the fire. I look over my shoulder to see Jake and Austin sharing a laugh and no doubt it’s about Barbie.
“What are y’all laughing about?” I ask.
Both guys stop laughing and look at me. “Nothing,” they say in unison.
Yeah, like I’m buying that.
“Forget about Barbie, let’s talk about something else.” I offer and they agree.
By one o’clock, the fire has started to die down and I’m exhausted. With nearly a case of beer gone—split between the three of us—we call it a night. I walk the guys to their car and head back to the fire and watch as the embers turn from bright orange to black. I lean back on the bench and watch as they change shape and color and think about… Barbie.
There’s no way I like that bitch. I have no clue what my friends are thinking, but they couldn’t be more wrong. I like girls like Devon—beautiful, sweet with personality to boot. But she wants more than what I can give her right now. Speaking of angelic, what is with them calling Barbie, Angel? She may look like an angel, but looks are as far as it goes—that girl seems to trade her halo for horns when I’m around.
I clean up the beer cans and head off to the house. I shine the flash light on the ground to see where I’m walking. When I
get into the house, I notice the kitchen light on. I close the door quietly behind me and peek around the corner.
Phoebe stands there looking out the window and drinking a glass of water. She’s in the nightgown that she wore last night in my dream. Okay, now I can see why the guys say she looks like an angel. The cream colored gown flows freely down her body and one of the thin straps slips off of her silky shoulder.
I take off my boots and slip inside. She jumps and turns around when the floor creaks beneath me.
She nearly drops the glass of water and her eyes go wide. “Jesus, you scared me.”
“I’d hate to break it to you darlin’ but I’m not Jesus, though most women call me God when I’m fucking them.”
Did I just fucking say that? I didn’t drink that much... did I?
Her eyes go wide and I can tell she’s trying not to laugh, which makes me laugh.
“Night,” I say chuckling as I walk past her and into the den.
I undress and notice that my cock is still hard from looking at Ang—Phoe—Barbie.
I get under the covers and start stroking myself. I recall the dream I had last night. I had her pinned up against a wall, and I could feel how wet she was for me through her panties. She felt and smelled so damn good. I could have licked and nipped at her for days and it still wouldn’t be enough.
After I relieve myself, I clean myself up and roll over. When I close my eyes, images of Barbie pop in my head—only when she speaks, I hear Devon’s voice.
I wake up, feeling better than I have all week. I’m thankful for the Montgomery’s letting me stay with them, I could never go out in public looking like this.
Reaching for my phone, I call Mr. Keiser to let him know what’s going on. The hospital faxed over information about the accident and my work restrictions, but I know he’ll worry if he doesn’t hear from me. He assures me that everything will be fine and they will take care of the balance at the hotel, as well as the rental.