Serendipity Page 7
I’m not stupid. I know exactly why he’s calling me Barbie. It’s like I never heard people call me Barbie in school. Granted it was just the jealous girls but none the less, it still hurts. Sure, I resemble her with the long blonde hair and blue eyes but that’s it. My body, I have to work for. My money, I have to work for. Things were never handed to me, and I wish that people would just realize that if you want something bad enough, you have to work hard.
I narrow my eyes before turning away. The last thing I want—or need—is this assholes opinion of me. Seven days, just seven more days and I’ll never have to see him again.
He closes the door when I don’t say anything, and gets into the truck. We drive back to the house without a word spoken between us. When he pulls up the gravel drive, I attempt to get out before he even puts the truck in park. “Wait,” he rests his hand on my thigh and chills run though my body.
Chills? My body has never betrayed me like this before.
I look up to meet his gaze and something shifts in the air between us. I swallow past the lump in my throat and focus on his touch. I thought I was turned on while watching him in the field but as hands glide over my bare skin, I realize that was nothing. Heat pools between my legs and I clench my thighs together.
Why does he have this effect on me? I’m not exactly inexperienced when it comes to men but I’ve never had this kind of reaction to such simple contact.
Without warning, he quickly pulls his hand away as if he’s been burned. “We need to get inside. Mom’s going to have lunch ready in a few minutes.” Turning off the truck, he hops out and closes the door behind him without looking back.
He’s not going to help me out? I’ll fall if I try to get out myself and I can feel my pain medication wearing off. The aches and pains are making it damn near impossible to even move.
I wait in the truck and it doesn’t take long for the rays from the hot sun to heat it up. I reach over and honk the horn. When nobody comes out, I lean on it. There, that is bound to get someone’s attention.
I walk into the kitchen. My dad doesn’t look up from the paper, but my mom smiles to greet me, “Back so soon?”
“Yeah, Phoebe wasn’t feeling well so we left,” I shrug and walk into my ‘bedroom’.
My mom rushes to me and catches me by my elbow. “What do you mean she isn’t feeling well? Is she okay?”
I shrug, “I guess so. She fell asleep on the way here so I left her in the truck.”
My dad peeks his head around the corner. “Dean, you better be joking. It’s hot as sin out there and you left that poor girl in the truck?! That thing will be like a sauna in a matter of minutes!”
Oh fuck, I’m in trouble.
I quickly move around my mom. “I’ll go bring her in.”
I don’t need to look at them to know that they are pissed. Before I reach the back door I hear the horn. I turn back to look at my parents and they narrow their eyes at me. They look like they want to say something but not much can be heard over the sound of the horn.
“I’m going, I’m going.” Oh shit, I’m really fucked. What was supposed to be a joke, turned into me getting my ass chewed out by my parents?
I walk out of the house with a sly grin on my face, but it quickly fades when I reach the truck and look in. Barbie doesn’t look happy. I open the door and she growls at me. I try to speak but forget how when I see that she’s bunched the front of her tank top and tied it in a knot just under her perfect tits.
Fuck me!
I stare at her chest, proudly on display in her low cut top. Yep, I need to get laid. Thankfully in less than ten hours, I will be scratching the itch and hopefully I’ll be good until Barbie leaves.
“See something you like?” she asks, throwing my earlier words back at me.
I don’t even try to hide it. I nod, not taking my eyes off of her perfect body. I cringe when I see a bruise on her hip, just above her shorts.
I look at her apologetically and gesture to the bruise. “I’m sorry.”
She doesn’t respond, shifting in the seat and waits for me to lift her out. When I do, I set her on the ground in front of me and let my fingers graze over her warm, soft skin. Her toned abs tense when my fingers slide up and rest just under her breasts.
I stare into her eyes and I’m lost. They pull me in like an undertow, and I drown in her gaze.
Our moment is broken when my phone alerts me to a new message. I ignore it and pull away. “Lunch is ready.” I turn and walk away, leaving her in the same spot.
When I get to the door, I turn and wait to make sure she’s following. As she rounds the truck, she unties her shirt and pulls it up to wipe the sweat from her face and revealing the bottom half of her bra. She knows exactly what she’s doing so I turn away quickly so she doesn’t realize that she’s getting to me. The last thing I want is for her to have that kind of satisfaction.
When we get into the house, I excuse myself and run up the stairs to the bathroom. I sit on the edge of the tub and rest my face in my hands. I think of anything and everything to get my mind off of Barbie.
Dead puppies, dead puppies. I chant over and over to myself, until I’m able to return downstairs without alerting everyone to my raging hard-on.
I splash cold water on my face and cool down before I have to face the wrath my mom is about to unleash on my ass.
When I make it to the bottom step, I look to the table that is directly in front of me. My dad is already seated, with Barbie next to him. My mom fills their glasses with lemonade and laughs when Barbie says something.
I grab a light t-shirt from my temporary room and throw it on before taking a seat at the table.
“Dean, I thought you said Phoebe wasn’t feeling well?” My mom asks.
I look at Barbie and silently plead for her not to rat me out. “Yeah, I think the heat was just too much for her. I didn’t want her to get sun stroke so I brought her home.”
“Actually, I was fine until something brushed against my leg. Dean told me there were snakes out there and I of course thought the worst.” She pauses and lets out a dramatic sigh before continuing. “He was way ahead of me so I ran back to the truck. I had to wait almost five minutes for him to walk back. It was so hot out there that I almost melted.” She fans herself in a performance worthy of an Oscar.
I narrow my eyes at her, and the moment we had outside is forgotten. I thought she’d play nice, but it’s apparent that’s not going to happen.
“Dean Michael, why wouldn’t you walk with Phoebe? She was in an accident less than two days ago and she could have gotten hurt out there by herself,” my mom scolds.
“Mom, she’s exaggerating. I was at the truck seconds after she launched herself into the seat.”
This time it was Barbie who narrows her eyes at me. She purses her lips and I can tell that she’s preparing to fight back but my mom responds before she can.
“Well I hope you didn’t hurt yourself, Phoebe?” my mom asks.
My dad speaks up after he watches the battle going on between me and Barbie.
“Maybe you should rest after lunch, dear.” He suggests.
What is it with my parents treating this girl as if she can walk on water? My mom I get, because she’s like this with everyone. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. My dad however, he’s a different story. I’ve never seen him like this with anyone.
“I think I will. The truck got a little hot while I was waiting for Dean to help me out.” She adds.
I freeze at her words. I look between my parents, wondering which one will unleash their fury first.
“Dean!” They shout in unison.
I knock her leg with my knee under the table and she returns with a wicked glare. Never has a woman infuriated me so damn much.
“You know, I’m not all that hungry. I have some work to finish up before I go out tonight.” I stand, leaving my untouched food at the table and don’t look back.
I walk into the shed and start to clear some bo
xes away from the stairs leading to the loft that one day, I plan to clean out and make it mine. Brushing off the debris on one of the steps, I sit down and pull my phone from my pocket to call John.
“Sheriff O’Malley.” He answers.
“Hi, John, it’s Dean.” I lean forward, placing my elbows on my knees and look around at all the junk in the shed. To clean this place up will definitely be my next project.
“Hey, boy, how’s the girl doing?” He asks.
Why is everyone so worried about Barbie? I get that she was the one that got hurt and I walked away without a scratch on me, but come on!
“She’s okay, I guess,” I shrug.
“That’s good to hear. What can I do for you?”
“I was just wondering about the accident…” No, I’m really not wondering about the accident. I know who was at fault, what I really want is for you to tell me it was all Barbie’s fault.
John clears his throat. “I’m glad you brought that up. You see, the accident happened just north of the Fill ‘N Go. I stopped in to see if anyone saw anything and it turns out that the clerk saw the whole thing. He said the red car was swerving a bit and ran the red light.”
A smile spreads across my face. I’d love to run into the house and rub it in Barbie’s face, but I know I can’t do that. “I knew it! See, I told everyone it was her fault and nobody believed me. Thanks, John. Now what’s next?”
“You two are all set with me. You just have to worry ‘bout your vehicles now.”
“I will. Thanks again.” I stand from the step and walk towards the door.
“Anytime, son. Take care and drive safe, I don’t want any more run-ins with you.”
“Not a problem, sir,” I hang up and a shout a ‘yee-haw’ at the top of my lungs and do a fist pump. This day is turning out a lot better than I thought it would have been.
I spend the rest of the day finding anything to keep me busy which—given that I’ve spent so little time here over the past few days—isn’t hard to do. I’m happy about the news John had for me but I’m not going to say anything just yet. I’ll wait to see if Barbie calls him.
I don’t relax until I finally reach the stable. Being in here with my horse always seems to calm me down. This is the place I tend to come when I have thinking to do. I stroke the mane of Bo, my black stallion.
“Bo, I wish I’d known that women could be such trouble. I would have stayed away years ago. I have plans to go see Devon tonight but I don’t know if I should. Today when I was out with Barbie, something happened. I’m not sure what it was but there was like this silent exchange between us, but then she had to go and open her mouth.”
I look into his eyes as I talk to him and it’s almost as if he understands. I don’t care that he doesn’t know what I’m saying, it feels good to get it out. I glance down at my watch and notice that I’m cutting it close to get to Devon’s place. I still have to shower before I leave.
I blow out a sigh of relief when I walk into a silent house. I glance around the corners, expecting to see my parents and Barbie but they are nowhere to be seen. I look out the kitchen window that overlooks the driveway, and I see that the truck is gone.
I rush upstairs for a shower and I’m dressed and ready to go before everyone gets back. Grabbing the keys to my car, I slip into my boots and head out. I’m almost to the car when my dad’s truck pulls in. I watch as he opens the door for Phoebe, helping her out. She smiles and giggles while holding an ice cream cone. My mom laughs along, holding a cup with a large spoon sticking out.
Seriously, they went for ice cream and they didn’t bother asking me if I wanted any? I remember the last time they took me out for ice cream. It was for my fourteenth birthday. I was so excited, and they let me take my friend Jake along.
It’s been less than forty-eight hours and they are treating this girl as if she’s their daughter.
I act as if I don’t see them and I hop in my old Neon. Yeah, don’t laugh. This car was cool when I was sixteen and since I’ve crashed the truck and don’t know the extent of the damages yet, I’m back to relying on this old POS.
I pull up to Devon’s condo a little late but it doesn’t matter. I’m just scratching an itch, right?
I knock on the door and try not to let my anxiety show. It was cool when we were all hanging out and I would just go home with her—admittedly half the time we were drunk—but this feels a little too… intimate. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t suggest dinner first. Then it would’ve been like a real date.
When she opens the door the air leaves my lungs. God, she’s beautiful. The sunset catches the red highlights in her brown hair and they shine through like flames. Her green eyes rake over my body and I feel myself come alive. Without a word I step in and pull her into my arms, kissing her as if today was my last day on earth.
I eye Dean as he walks to his old beater but if he notices me watching him he doesn’t show it. The look on his face was enough to for my heart to drop to my stomach. It’s pretty clear from the way he interacts with his parents that they don’t have a relationship like me and my mom.
There was an uncomfortable silence at dinner when it was just the three of us. Emily had called Dean to eat but he said he was too busy. After dinner I asked for some ice cream, and when Emily said she didn’t have any Keith suggested we go out for some.
On the way back home, Keith had us in stitches telling Chuck Norris jokes. I hadn’t laughed that hard in so long, and in the end I had to tell him to stop because the laughing made my body ache. Once we get home, we sit around the table eating our desserts and I tell Keith and Emily all about me, my mom, my dad, and work. I never thought it would happen but it felt good to get it out. I never really had the chance to get close to my dad and spending these couple of days with Keith, I realize how much I actually missed out on.
Emily helps me up the stairs and changes the gauze over my stitches. When she takes off the old dressing, I look in the mirror and cringe. It’s gross!
“Oh, Phoebe, don’t worry. You’ll be healed in no time,” she assures me as she tapes the gauze over the stitches. I brush my teeth and pull out a nightgown from a drawer in the dresser. Emily cleaned out two of Dean’s drawers and is letting me use them for the duration of my stay so that I don’t have to live out of my suitcases.
I say goodnight to Emily and Keith, grab my Kindle, and hop into bed. It’s only been two days and I’m feeling significantly better. I can still only use one hand and the gash on my head with the stitches makes me feel as if I’m Frankenstein’s Bride but at least the headaches aren’t as frequent and I have my energy back.
I skim through my books until I find one that I know will take me a while to read. I have nothing but time now. I’m engulfed in the world of Christian and Ana when I yawn. Glancing at the clock, I notice it’s after midnight. I’ve been reading for three hours but it still feels early.
Eyeing the bag with all of my undergarments on the floor by the bed, a thought strikes me. I haven’t heard Dean come in yet and I’m certain that the Montgomery’s are sleeping by now. I walk across the room, peek out into the hallway to make sure everyone is asleep and close the door quietly. On my way back, I reach into my bag and find my small, silver toy. I smile when I twist the bottom and feel it come to life.
I lie back down on the bed and shut off the bedside lamp. Hiking up my nightgown, I peel my panties down to my mid-thigh and get to work. I’m almost at climax when I hear a door slam. I quickly sit up and peer out of the window to see Dean walking up to the house, nearly tripping over his own feet.
I turn on the lamp and toss my vibrator back into my bag. I slide my panties back up and straighten my nightgown before heading downstairs.
I’m just reaching the bottom step when Dean stumbles into the house. He’s obviously drunk, and he looks at me and smiles. I run over to him and try to catch him before he falls. I wince when he drags me down with him but he doesn’t notice. He starts laughing and I can smell the alcohol on
his warm breath. He stops laughing when he realizes how close his mouth is to my neck.
“You smell gooood,” he slurs his words and can’t help but giggle.
I sigh and shake my head. “Come on, Don Juan, let’s get you to bed,” I push myself out from under him and stand up. I wait for him to get his footing before helping him to the den.
Pushing him onto the couch, I kneel down and pull off his boots using only one hand and my body weight. I catch him staring at me, his gaze sends heat throughout my body. “What are you looking at?” I ask.
He gives me a sly grin with his eyes only half open. “You look good on your knees.” he throws his head back and laughs.
I bite on my bottom lip to stop from giggling. I like this Dean, he’s funny and cute. There’s no denying that this man is attractive. After seeing him today with his shirt off standing in front of me, and then the way his hands slid up my body with such ease, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their path. It was enough to make me come on the spot.
Dean is silent while I sit on the couch next to him and lift the shirt over his head. The scent that I know as ‘Dean’ is buried somewhere beneath the smell of smoke, alcohol and cheap perfume.
I lie him down on the couch and unbutton his jeans. I start to unzip them when his hand covers mine. I freeze and look up.
“You is so purdy,” he mutters.
I smile and nod. “Thank you,” I continue to work on his jeans and slide them down his muscular legs. By the time I get his pants off, I hear him lightly snoring. I cover him up with a blanket and—before I can stop myself—I lean in and kiss his forehead. I don’t know why but I felt the need to take care of him.
I head back upstairs and grab my vibrator from my bag to finish what I had started. It’s not long before I’m soaring in a long-overdue climax. I softly moan and breathe heavily. I slide up my panties and head to the bathroom to clean myself and the toy off. When I open the bedroom door, I nearly walk into Dean… again.
Shit! Did he hear me?
He stands there like a statue, staring at me like he’s about to attack me. His chocolate eyes look black in the dimly lit hallway, the only light coming from two small wall sconces. I try to move around him but he blocks my attempt.