Serendipity Page 2
I stick my head in and clear my throat. “You said I start in a just over a week?”
“That’s correct,” he says, without looking up from his computer.
“And the job is in Tennessee?” I bite my lip nervously.
“Also correct.” He stops typing and rests back in his chair.
“When is my last day here, sir? I need to train someone for my job.” I push the door open and wait for his response.
“All of the logistics are handled. We have someone coming from the Detroit office to take over your job.” He crooks his finger in a ‘come here’ motion. “Have a seat, Phoebe. I didn’t get to finish what I wanted to say. I saw the look on your face and I wanted to give you a minute to let it all sink in before I continued.”
Continued? What the hell?
“Phoebe, today is your last day. You have plenty of vacation time banked so we thought we would let you use some of that so you have time to pack and move before you have to actually start working. If you’d like to continue working that’s fine too, but we need you down there as soon as possible. There are some boxes in the print room if you’d like to use those to gather your things but other than that, I need you to take next week to prepare for the move. There’s a hotel set up for you that has a kitchenette and everything you may need to feel at home. You’ll have a spending allowance for food, just like any company trip, and there will be a rental car waiting for you at the airport,” he says.
My head is swirling from all of this news. What if Mom doesn’t want to come with me? What if I get down there and I decide that I made a big mistake in accepting this offer?
It would be nice to have a little bit of a break. I never use my vacation time. There was never any real need to and I hated taking time away from work. There is so much to do. I don’t think I can make it there in a week and what about my apartment? I still have rent to pay and I can’t pay that off right now. There is no way I’m breaking the lease and paying all that extra money.
As if reading my mind, Mr. Keiser speaks up. “As part of your benefits, we’ll pay off the remainder of the lease on your apartment. It’s only for another year and I thought that maybe your mom could stay there. If not, then we’ll pay any early termination fees and you can use your extra money to establish a permanent residence near Nashville.”
I’ve always lived in the Chicago area and I thought that’s where I’d always stay, but if I want this then I guess I’m going to have to break away from the only home I’ve ever known and follow my dreams.
I shake Mr. Keiser’s hand and thank him again for the opportunity. In a haze, I leave his office and head to the print room to gather boxes to pack up the last six years of my life.
As the day progresses, the news spreads like wild fire. By the end of the day, I was receiving farewell wishes from everyone I passed and someone even brought in a cake and threw me a small party. I tried hard to keep the tears at bay while I hugged and thanked each of my co-workers.
On my walk home, my box of belongings resting against my hip, I thought about how I was going to break the news to my mom. On Fridays she works a later shift so I’ll have more time to discuss the move before she has to run off to work.
I climb the steps slowly, one at a time, and breathe in and out trying to calm my nerves. I open the door to the apartment and set my box of things down by the door, glancing around at the things that make this place home to me.
“Mom?” my voice echoes through the apartment.
I plop down on the couch when I hear the shower running. I have probably five minutes before I have to tell my mom that our lives are about to change, and I’m not sure how well she’s going to take it. I’ve been dealing with change since I was young so I’m used to it, but not my mom. She did what she had to do but I could always tell that it bothered her.
The water shuts off and breaks me from my thoughts. I sit and stare at the bathroom door, waiting for her to emerge.
She comes out with a towel wrapped around her small frame and her short blonde hair is wet and slicked around her small heart-shaped face. My mom has always been a petite little thing. I always see her as this fragile woman but I know that she’s not. She’s proven that time and time again. I just hope that she’ll take this news well.
“Hi, Phoebe,” she pauses when she notices my expression. “Is everything okay, sweetheart? You look like you’re about to cry.”
At her words, I can no longer hold back the tears that have been welling in my eyes. I put my face in my hands and let the dam break. I feel my mom wrap her arms around me, pulling me into her without saying a word.
“Oh, Mom,” I cry and wrap my arms around her waist.
“You can tell me anything, Phoebe. What’s wrong?”
I manage to get everything out in the midst of sobbing on her shoulder. “I got the job but it starts in a week and we have to move.”
Stroking my hair she tells me that everything’s going to be okay, but I know that it won’t be.
“Mom, you don’t understand. We have to move next week!” I lift my head up and look into her emerald-green eyes. I’ve always loved her eyes. I had always wished mine were like hers, but I got my dad’s ocean blue eyes which are equally beautiful.
“We’ll work it out just like we do everything else. There is no need to be rash or worry about anything,” she says in a calming tone.
She’s taking the news better than I am.
“You’re coming with me, right?” I ask as I snivel.
“Why don’t you calm down and then we’ll talk about this.” She loosens her grip and stands to silently walks into her room.
I stride into the steam filled bathroom and grab a Kleenex. Blowing my nose, I use my free hand to wipe off the condensation on the mirror. The sight of my puffy red eyes does nothing to calm my nerves. This is all so sudden.
I hear the click of a door and turn to see my mom walking out of her bedroom, dressed in her uniform, her head hung low. What a great way to start the weekend.
She looks up at me, her face void of emotion.
“Come on out when you’re ready Phoebe, and we’ll talk about this.” She walks past me and into the living room. She smoothes down her black skirt and straightens her shirt, before taking a seat and waiting for me.
I dry my eyes and grab more tissues from the box before returning to the couch.
“Phoebe, everything is going to be okay. Why don’t you tell me again what’s going on and we’ll work through this.”
I nod and continue to tell my mom everything, from start to finish. When I’m done, she pushes the hair off my shoulder and strokes my arms to soothe me.
“Phoebe, I’m not going to be able to go with you. My life is here. I know I said that there is a possibility that I would go with you but if the apartment is going to be paid for, that will leave me with room to save up my tips for a place when the lease is up. I know we do everything together, but this is your chance. This is your opportunity to spread your wings and fly. I’ve done my job raising you. This is your time to shine and I think you’re going to be the brightest star in the sky.”
She takes both my hands in hers and gives a light squeeze. “I couldn’t be more proud of the woman you’ve become. I’ll help you in any way I can.” Her eyes glaze over and she looks like she’s about to cry. Patting my arms, she looks up at the clock. “I have to get going if I’m going to make it to work in time for my shift. We’ll talk some more when I get home if you’re still awake, okay?” she says in a calming tone.
I nod and give her a reassuring smile. She hugs me quickly and then gathers her thing and turns to leave. She pauses with her hand on the knob. “Have a good night and lock up when I leave. I love you, Phoebe.”
I smile because I let her have that one and she knows it. “I love you, too.”
I kick off my heels and pull my feet up underneath me. In a skirt it’s much harder than it looks but I don’t care. I stay that way for what s
eems like an eternity, wallowing in my self-pity.
There is no way I’m going for a run tonight. Instead, I take a scalding hot shower and throw on some sweats and a tank top. I stretch out along the couch and do something that I haven’t done in…possibly ever. Relax.
I reach into the freezer and grab a carton of ice cream, and a large spoon from the drawer. I sit back down and watch movie after movie on the Lifetime Network, crying harder at each one. Lost loves reuniting, people coming together to save a town, coming of age stories. Each one having their own tale and each one making my heart smile.
I stifle a yawn when I glance at the clock and notice it’s nearly one in the morning. I try to wait up for my mom but I know I won’t make it. I put the container of melted ice cream in the sink and quickly brush my teeth, before settling in for the night.
The next morning, I’m lured from my sleep by the delicious smells coming from the kitchen. I open the door and hear my mom humming in the kitchen. When I walk in I half expected her to greet me with a smile but what I didn’t expect is for her not to be alone.
I freeze in my tracks, paralyzed by the scene playing out in front of me. My mom is in her robe flipping pancakes, and a man leaning up against the counter in just a pair of pajama pants sipping on his coffee, watching her.
Am I in the fucking Twilight Zone?
My mom turns around when the guy clears his throat, and a bright smile spreads across her face.
“Morning. Phoebe, this is Ben. Ben, this is my daughter, Phoebe.” She points the spatula between me and Ben before turning back to the pancakes.
I sit at the table, grab the paper and start to skim the articles—anything to divert my attention. Unfortunately, my diversion tactic doesn’t last long when Ben pulls out the chair next to me and takes a seat. I scoot my chair over as if more distance between us will help with the awkwardness of the situation. My mom has never kept anything from me—we tell each other everything. But right now I feel like I don’t even know the woman sitting across from me.
“So, Mom…”
She sets down a plate of pancakes and bacon in the middle of the table and looks nervously between me and Ben.
Ben wastes no time in digging in, placing four large pancakes and strips of bacon on to his plate.
She places her elbows on the table and leans in. The table is the perfect amount of space for me and my mom, but adding a third person makes it cramped.
“Phoebe, I know what you’re thinking.” She sighs and rests her elbows on the table, leaning in.
Nope. No way in hell she knows what I’m thinking!
“I met Ben a few months back at the market. We both grabbed at the same carton of strawberries at the same time.” She pauses and glances at Ben. “Well, technically, I had them first but he’ll never admit that.” She smiles when Ben reaches for her hand, giving it a light squeeze. “We went back and forth on who should take them and eventually we came to a compromise. He said he would let me have them if I went on a date with him.” She giggles as if it’s happening all over again. I’m sick to my stomach because I remember eating those strawberries. They were the first berries of the season, and they were delicious—at the time.
“How long?” I glare at my mom. She knows what I’m asking.
She glances at me and then back to Ben. Clearing her throat, she mumbles the answer. “Eight months.”
I fly up from my chair, nearly knocking my plate onto the floor. “Eight months!” I exclaim, louder than I probably should have.
“Phoebe, sit down and eat. You’re making this a bigger deal than it needs to be.”
I don’t let her finish before I storm off into my room and slam the door behind me. I can’t believe my mom’s been keeping this a secret from me for eight fucking months! We never keep secrets from each other… or so I thought. No wonder she won’t go with me to Nashville—she wants to stay here with Ben. Fine, she doesn’t have to come with me, but I’ll be damned if she’s going to call me crying when it ends and try to move in then. Nope, not happening.
I sit on my bed and sulk like a five year-old. Don’t judge.
I grab some boxes that my mom had brought home from work last night, starting with my dresser, and I begin to pack my clothes. I’m just finishing up when my stomach growls. My mind immediately returns to the scene that had played out at breakfast. I try to think of moments when I could have suspected my mom was lying to me, but nothing comes to mind.
Ignoring the hunger pangs, I finish the last of my packing and stack the boxes in a corner. Sighing, I sit on my bed and glance around at how quickly some of the most important things in my life are packed and stacked in just a few boxes and suit cases.
After about a two hour flight and a twenty minute drive, I finally settle into my temporary home. It’s not the Hilton but whatever, I’ll survive—for now anyway. I unpack some suitcases and hang my clothes up in the closet. It’s not even close in size to the one that I had in my apartment but I’ll make do. I make a list of things I need to look for in my own place and number one on the list is a large walk in closet, with plenty of shelving for all of my shoeboxes.
I had passed a bar on my way to the hotel—one that didn’t look like a hole in the wall—and I wrote down the address so I could check it out after I unpack. I crank the AC up to its highest setting and stand in front of the cool air. In this kind of heat, a girl as sweet as me could melt in two seconds flat.
I pull at the hem of my top and let the cool air flow up my shirt. It’s going to be nice not to have the cold winters anymore but then again. I’m not sure what the winters are like here but I can assure you that they aren’t anything like they are in Chicago.
I blow the stray blonde strands out of my face and walk into the small bathroom to take a shower before going out. Number two on my list—must have a large bathroom with a separate shower and tub, and a large vanity.
I turn on the water and wait five minutes whilst the water heats up. I grab my essentials and place them in the shower the same way I would have them at home. I even brought my own towels. I have no idea how often they change out towels and there is no way I’m drying off my clean body with something that feels like a scratching post.
The hot water runs out quickly, so I hop out and wrap myself in my robe. I skim through the closet and pull out a red, short sleeve, Marc Jacobs sweater and a pair of white shorts. I slide into a pair of black wedge sandals to complete the ensemble.
I blow-dry my hair and run my fingers through the silky locks. I’ve always loved my hair because it’s so thick and long. I never had to dye it like the rest of the girls at school. I glance at the clock, and see that it’s only six in the evening. That gives me an hour to put on my makeup and get something to eat before grabbing a drink.
I find a drive-thru and grab a salad. Driving back ‘home’ I flip through the stations to look for some actually decent songs but the only thing I seem to find are country stations. On the way in, I had found a good one that actually played decent music but I can’t find it for the life of me.
I hate not being able to sing in the car, I get bored way too easily, plus, music helps me relax. I plug my phone into the USB located in the rental and scroll through my playlists. Glancing up at the road every few seconds, there’s not much around. Some deserted plazas, a farm or two and some family diners. I find my favorite playlist and skip through a few songs, when I glance up again, I notice that I missed my turn. Instead of turning around right away, I listen to my music and take in the sights of well, of nothing really.
My phone falls from the passenger seat, onto the floor. I glance around to make sure there aren’t any cars and I reach down to feel around for my phone.
Earlier that same day…
I walk into the house and wipe the sweat off my brow. It’s hot as fuck outside, and it’s not even summer yet. The Tennessee heat can really get to you if you’re not careful.
I’ve been working for three hours when my mom calls me into the ho
use for breakfast. I’ve already milked the cows, fed the horses and cleaned the stable, yet I still have about ten more hours of work before I can call it a day.
Sometimes I regret not going to college. Unlike my friends, I chose to stay and work on my parents’ farm. I wanted to experience life like they had but that wasn’t in the hand I was dealt. Nope, instead I got the ‘you’re fucked’ hand. My parents are older than most of my friends’ parents and the farm is their only means of income. So when it came time for graduation, I knew what I had to do. I’ve been working on the farm since I was ten and I loved every minute of it but now, it’s not nearly as fun.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for my parents, but being the only child, this feels more like an obligation than a choice. I had my fun in high school—and plenty of it—but now it’s time for me to be the good son that my parents raised and show them that I’m not the fuck up that I was in high school.
Okay, maybe that’s a little harsh but I have to admit, when you live in my neck of the woods, there isn’t much to do. Naturally, doing things we probably shouldn’t have been doing happened often. Now, I work my ass off and hope I can make my parents proud.
“Sit down Dean, and make sure you clear your plate.” My mom sets down a plate full of eggs, bacon and hash browns. Same shit, different day—things around here don’t change very often. I’ll never complain though because it makes my dad happy. But I secretly wonder if he ever gets sick of this meal too.
I take a sip of my black coffee and look over the rim at my dad engrossed in an article in the newspaper. I look away when he catches my gaze.
“Whatcha lookin’ at? Eat your breakfast, we have work to do.” He grunts.
I don’t know if you can call the relationship I have with my parents a loving one. Don’t get me wrong, I know they love me and I love them. My mom is the nurturing type. It doesn’t matter who you are, she will take you under her wing and care for you. My dad on the other hand, let’s just say that the last time we had a ‘father and son bonding moment’ was when I was around eleven. Yep, that’s almost fifteen years ago.